
Our research group mainly studies the metabolism and physiological functions of growth regulators, polyamines, and phenolic compounds in plants. We investigate the role of these biologically active compounds in plant development and in the response of plants to abiotic stresses.

In our experiments, we use diverse plant systems from whole plants to cell cultures. Our research is primarily focused on the somatic embryogenesis of conifers. Within this topic, we study the regulation of somatic embryo development, the role of phytohormones in somatic embryogenesis, and the effects of abiotic stresses on somatic embryos. We also deal with the in vitro propagation of medicinal cannabis. In particular, we investigate the effect of phytohormones (auxins and cytokinins) added to the culture medium on the process of organogenesis from segments of cannabis plants grown from seeds in vitro​​​​​.

We use a wide array of approaches:

  • Microscopy – light, confocal, and electron microscopy, enhanced by advanced computer image analysis

  • Biochemical methods – studies of activities of enzymes involved in the metabolism of biologically active compounds (e.g. radiometry)

  • Molecular biology methods – specific gene expressions, and transformation of tissue cultures

  • Analytical methods – qualitative and quantitative determination of biologically active compounds by gas- and liquid chromatography in tandem with mass spectroscopic detection (cooperation with the IEB Laboratory of Growth Regulators and Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants).

Phenolic acids in selected scab‑resistant and mildew‑tolerant apple cultivars

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 13:33

Phenolic compounds play important roles in plant defences against both biotic and abiotic stressors, and many in crop plants are highly beneficial for human health, but their quantities and profiles are influenced by numerous factors. Thus, the purpose of this study was to quantify free and glycosylated phenolic acids in apples (important sources of beneficial phenolics) in the course of fruit development, at harvest and during 5 months of storage.

Chenopodium ficifolium flowers under long days without upregulation of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologs

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Fri, 10/04/2019 - 09:57

Frequent duplications of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene across various taxonomic lineages resulted in FT paralogs with floral repressor function, whereas others duplicates maintained their floral-promoting role. The FT gene has been confirmed as the inducer of photoperiodic flowering in most angiosperms analyzed to date.

Dormancy breaking in Fagus sylvatica seeds is linked to formation of abscisic acid-glucosyl ester

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Thu, 09/26/2019 - 13:20

Seed dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows seed germination under suitable environmental conditions. Germination of stored dormant seeds proceeds after dormancy breaking induced by stratification. To improve understanding of dormancy breaking in beechnuts, we: investigated effects of moisture content and temperature during storage; analysed contents of abscisic acid, abscisic acid metabolites and indole-3-acetic acid in embryonic axes during storage and stratification; and histochemically localized storage proteins.

Assessment of somaclonal variation in indirect morphogenesis-derived plants of Arracacia xanthorrhiza

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Thu, 07/25/2019 - 10:31

The objective of this work was to induce and detect somaclonal variation in arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) plants regenerated via indirect morphogenesis, in order to evaluate the potential of this technique to produce new genotypes for breeding purposes of this crop.

Internal authors

Profiles of phenolic acids in apples during ripening and storage

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 10:49

Phenolic compounds constitute a substantial group of phenylpropanoids which are produced by plants as secondary metabolites with antioxidant properties. The spectrum and concentrations of phenolic acids serve as a convenient marker of plant resistance to biotic stresses. Phenolics form also an important component of animal diet. Apples are a widely available fruit exhibiting significant concentrations of antioxidants, especially phenolics and carotenoids. Generally, the concentrations and composition of antioxidants vary during ripening and subsequent handling of harvested fruits.