
Our research group mainly studies the metabolism and physiological functions of growth regulators, polyamines, and phenolic compounds in plants. We investigate the role of these biologically active compounds in plant development and in the response of plants to abiotic stresses.

In our experiments, we use diverse plant systems from whole plants to cell cultures. Our research is primarily focused on the somatic embryogenesis of conifers. Within this topic, we study the regulation of somatic embryo development, the role of phytohormones in somatic embryogenesis, and the effects of abiotic stresses on somatic embryos. We also deal with the in vitro propagation of medicinal cannabis. In particular, we investigate the effect of phytohormones (auxins and cytokinins) added to the culture medium on the process of organogenesis from segments of cannabis plants grown from seeds in vitro​​​​​.

We use a wide array of approaches:

  • Microscopy – light, confocal, and electron microscopy, enhanced by advanced computer image analysis

  • Biochemical methods – studies of activities of enzymes involved in the metabolism of biologically active compounds (e.g. radiometry)

  • Molecular biology methods – specific gene expressions, and transformation of tissue cultures

  • Analytical methods – qualitative and quantitative determination of biologically active compounds by gas- and liquid chromatography in tandem with mass spectroscopic detection (cooperation with the IEB Laboratory of Growth Regulators and Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants).

Cytological, Biochemical and Molecular Events of the Embryogenic State in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.])

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Wed, 02/27/2019 - 17:19

Somatic embryogenesis techniques have been developed for most coniferous species, but only using very juvenile material. To extend the techniques’ scope, better integrated understanding of the key biological, physiological and molecular characteristics of embryogenic state is required. Therefore, embryonal masses (EMs) and non-embryogenic calli (NECs) have been compared during proliferation at multiple levels.

The response of Picea abies somatic embryos to UV-B radiation depends on the phase of maturation

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Tue, 11/27/2018 - 11:17

In summary, the exposure of Norway spruce EC to UV-B radiation at different stages of maturation had the strongest effect on cell viability of embryos at early stages of development and resulted in the inhibition of somatic embryo development and/or the substantial decrease in the number of embryos. The extent of cell damage was dependent on the UV-B dose applied, as well as the embryo developmental stage, and might be related to differentiation of the outermost cell layers and formation of protoderm.

Profiles of endogenous phytohormones over the course of Norway spruce somatic embryogenesis

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Tue, 08/21/2018 - 13:24

Conifer somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a process driven by exogenously supplied plant growth regulators (PGRs). Exogenous PGRs and endogenous phytohormones trigger particular ontogenetic events. Complex mechanisms involving a number of endogenous phytohormones control the differentiation of cells and tissues, as well as the establishment of structures and organs. Most of the mechanisms and hormonal functions in the SE of conifers have not yet been described.

Repetitive somatic embryogenesis induced cytological and proteomic changes in embryogenic lines of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Tue, 08/21/2018 - 11:54

This first report of cellular and molecular changes after repetitive somatic embryogenesis in conifers shows that each cycle enhanced the structure and singularization of EMs through modulation of growth regulator pathways, thereby improving the line´s embryogenic status.