Changes in phenolic acids and stilbenes induced in embryogenic cell cultures of Norway spruce by two fractions of Sirococcus strobilinus mycelia |
Olga Martincová, Milena Cvikrová |
Journal |
Comparison of the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant activity in different kiwifruit cultivars |
Milena Cvikrová, Olga Martincová |
Journal |
Influence of copper ions on growth, lipid peroxidation, and proline and polyamines content in carrot rosettes obtained from anther culture |
Milena Cvikrová, Olga Martincová |
Journal |
The role of auxins in somatic embryogenesis of Abies alba |
Zuzana Vondráková, Kateřina Eliášová, Lucie Fischerová, Martin Vágner |