Cryotolerance in Norway spruce and its association with growth rates, anatomical features and polyamines of embryogenic cultures |
Zuzana Vondráková, Milena Cvikrová, Kateřina Eliášová, Olga Martincová, Martin Vágner |
Journal |
Contents of polyamines during vernalization in wheat and the effect of zearalenone |
Milena Cvikrová, Ivana Macháčková |
Journal |
Comparative characterisation of durian, mango and avocado |
Milena Cvikrová, Olga Martincová |
Journal |
The role of actin isoforms in somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce |
Zuzana Vondráková, Kateřina Eliášová, Martin Vágner |
Journal |
Study of soil-plant transfer of Ra-226 under greenhouse conditions |
Martin Vágner |
Journal |
The role of actin in plant embryogenesis - EPSO |
Zuzana Vondráková |
Symposium poster |
Kryoprezervace embryogenních kultur jehličnanů |
Zuzana Vondráková, Kateřina Eliášová, Martin Vágner |
Symposium poster |
Chenopodium rubrum jako model kvetení |
Zuzana Vondráková |
Symposium poster |