Title | Status | Text | Tags | Author | Year ended |
Effects of drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in wild type and transgenic tobacco plants | Past Projects | Annotation: The aim of the project was to elucidate the role of proline and polyamines, metabolites with the crucial protective functions, in the stress response of tobacco plants to high temperature and drought. Characterization of defence response in wild plants and in transgenic plants with modified P5CS gene (P5CSF129A), which codes for the key enzyme of proline biosynthesis, contributed to understanding of the function of these protective elements in plant abiotic stress tolerance. |
Milena Cvikrová | ||
Mechanisms of regulation of plant growth and development on the level of cells, organs and whole organisms: physiological, genetic and molecular bases | Past Projects | Výzkumný záměr podporovaný AV ČR AV0Z50380511 - Mechanisms of regulation of plant growth and development on the level of cells, organs and whole organisms: physiological, genetic and molecular bases (2005 - 2010) |
Martin Vágner | ||
Biochemical and morphological parameters determinig cryotolerance in conifer embryogenic cultures | Past Projects | Biochemical and morphological parameters determinig cryotolerance in conifer embryogenic cultures. |
Martin Vágner | ||
Cultivation and genetic factors affecting efficiency of conifer somatic embryogenesis | Past Projects | Cultivation and genetic factors affecting efficiency of conifer somatic embryogenesis. |
Martin Vágner | ||
Role of ABSCISIC ACID.INSENSITIVE3 homologue in abscisic acid signal transduction studied in system of Norway spruce somatic embryogenesis | Past Projects | Role of ABSCISIC ACID.INSENSITIVE3 homologue in abscisic acid signal transduction studied in system of Norway spruce somatic embryogenesis. |
Lucie Fischerová | ||
Cultivation and genetic factors affecting efficiency of conifer somatic embryogenesis | Past Projects | Cultivation and genetic factors affecting efficiency of conifer somatic embryogenesis. MŠMT, 2000-2004, Martin Vágner |
Martin Vágner | ||
Metabolism of polyamines | Research Topics | Polyamines (PAs), low molecular mass polycations, are ubiquitous cell components that are essential for normal growth of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Most of the biological functions of PAs can be explained by their polycationic nature, which facilitates interactions with anionic macromolecules (such as DNA and RNA) and negatively charged groups of membranes. They are implicated in a wide range of biological processes including cell division and growth, morphogenesis and differentiation and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The most abundant PAs in plants are putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm). |
polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, spermine | Lenka Gemperlová | |
Current cooperations | Cooperation |
Kateřina Eliášová | ||
Former cooperations | Cooperation |
Kateřina Eliášová | ||
Somatic embryogenesis of conifers | Research Topics | The process of plant somatic embryogenesis allows the acquisition of a large number of genetically identical individuals. That fact is used in practice to obtain a rich progeny from a minimal number of seeds. At the same time, somatic embryogenesis is an ideal system for studying the early stages of plant development. Somatic embryogenesis starts by the derivation of embryogenic culture, mostly from zygotic embryos. Embryogenic cultures are cultivated in vitro on precisely defined media, whose composition determines further development of somatic embryos. In conifers the whole process consists of five basic steps - induction of embryogenic culture, proliferation, maturation of somatic embryos, desiccation and germination. |
Picea abies, somatic embryogenesis | Kateřina Eliášová |