Typy publikací: Časopis

Effect of heat stress on polyamine metabolism in proline-over-producing tobacco plants

Napsal uživatel Milena Cvikrová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 10:16

Cvikrová M, Gemperlová L, Dobrá J, Martincová O, Prášil IT, Gubis J, Vaňková R:

Effect of heat stress on polyamine metabolism in proline-over-producing tobacco plants.

PLANT SCIENCE 182: 49-58, 2012.

Effect of drought and combined drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in proline-over-producing tobacco plants

Napsal uživatel Milena Cvikrová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 10:11

Cvikrová M, Gemperlová L, Martincová O, Vaňková R:

Effect of drought and combined drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in proline-over-producing tobacco plants.


The anti-actin drugs latrunculin and cytochalasin affect the maturation of spruce somatic embryos in different ways

Napsal uživatel Zuzana Vondráková dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 10:09

Vondráková Z, Eliášová K, Vágner M:

The anti-actin drugs latrunculin and cytochalasin affect the maturation of spruce somatic embryos in different ways.

PLANT SCIENCE 221-222: 90-99, 2014.

Assessment of somaclonal variation in somatic embryo-derived plants of yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Endl.) H. Robinson] using inter simple sequence repeat analysis and flow cytometry

Napsal uživatel Kateřina Eliášová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 10:04

 Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a root crop native to the Andean region. Low sexual reproductive capacity is a major constraint facing the genetic breeding of this crop. Biotechnological techniques offer alternative ways to widen genetic variability. We investigated somaclonal variation in regenerants of yacon derived from in vitro somatic embryogenesis using simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis and flow cytometry.

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Dynamics of cold acclimation and complex phytohormone responses in Triticum monococcum lines G3116 and DV92 differing in vernalization and frost tolerance level

Napsal uživatel Milena Cvikrová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 10:01

Vaňková R, Kosová K, Dobrev P, Vítámvás P, Trávníčková A, Cvikrová M, Pešek B, Gaudinová A, Přerostová S, Musilová J, Galiba G, Prášil IT:

Dynamics of cold acclimation and complex phytohormone responses in Triticum monococcum lines G3116 and DV92 differing in vernalization and frost tolerance level.

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Early molecular events involved in Pinus pinaster Ait. somatic embryo development under reduced water availability: transcriptomic and proteomic analyses

Napsal uživatel Kateřina Eliášová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 09:52

Maritime pine somatic embryos (SEs) require a reduction in water availability (high gellan gum concentration in the maturation medium) to reach the cotyledonary stage. This key switch, reported specifically for pine species, is not yet well understood. To facilitate the use of somatic embryogenesis for mass propagation of conifers, we need a better understanding of embryo development.

A darklight transition triggers expression of the floral promoter CrFTL1 and downregulates CONSTANS-like genes in a short-day plant Chenopodium.

Napsal uživatel Jan Kolář dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 09:46

Drabešová J, Cháb D, Kolář J, Haškovcová K, Štorchová H:

A darklight transition triggers expression of the floral promoter CrFTL1 and downregulates CONSTANS-like genes in a short-day plant Chenopodium.


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Exogenous putrescine affects endogenous polyamine levels and the development of Picea abies somatic embryos

Napsal uživatel Zuzana Vondráková dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 09:44

Vondráková Z, Eliášová K, Vágner M, Martincová O, Cvikrová M:

Exogenous putrescine affects endogenous polyamine levels and the development of Picea abies somatic embryos. 

PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 75: 405-414, 2015.

The introns in FLOWERING LOCUS T-LIKE (FTL) genes are useful markers for tracking paternity in tetraploid Chenopodium quinoa Willd

Napsal uživatel Jan Kolář dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 09:34

Štorchová H, Drabešová J, Cháb D, Kolář J, Jellen EN:
The introns in FLOWERING LOCUS T-LIKE (FTL) genes are useful markers for tracking paternity in tetraploid Chenopodium quinoa Willd. 

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