
Our research group mainly studies the metabolism and physiological functions of growth regulators, polyamines, and phenolic compounds in plants. We investigate the role of these biologically active compounds in plant development and in the response of plants to abiotic stresses.

In our experiments, we use diverse plant systems from whole plants to cell cultures. Our research is primarily focused on the somatic embryogenesis of conifers. Within this topic, we study the regulation of somatic embryo development, the role of phytohormones in somatic embryogenesis, and the effects of abiotic stresses on somatic embryos. We also deal with the in vitro propagation of medicinal cannabis. In particular, we investigate the effect of phytohormones (auxins and cytokinins) added to the culture medium on the process of organogenesis from segments of cannabis plants grown from seeds in vitro​​​​​.

We use a wide array of approaches:

  • Microscopy – light, confocal, and electron microscopy, enhanced by advanced computer image analysis

  • Biochemical methods – studies of activities of enzymes involved in the metabolism of biologically active compounds (e.g. radiometry)

  • Molecular biology methods – specific gene expressions, and transformation of tissue cultures

  • Analytical methods – qualitative and quantitative determination of biologically active compounds by gas- and liquid chromatography in tandem with mass spectroscopic detection (cooperation with the IEB Laboratory of Growth Regulators and Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants).

The biochemical characteristics of the physiological activity of beech and spruce embryos

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Tue, 03/27/2018 - 12:03

It is necessary to find convenient and measurable criteria for the evaluation of seeds/embryos quality before germination because of a long time interval between the preparation of seeds or embryos (before germination) and obtaining the seedlings or emblings. The success of all treatments before germination is assessed by the quality of the newly formed plants only.

Beta-1,3-glucanases and chitinases in somatic embryos of Norway spruce

Submitted by Lucie Fischerová on Mon, 02/12/2018 - 23:31

Somatic embryogenesis is a developmental process by which a plant somatic cell can dedifferentiate to a totipotent embryonic stem cell that has the ability to give rise to an embryo under appropriate conditions. Desiccation is the final phase of normal embryonic development in most angiosperms and appears to be important in the transition from embryogeny to the ability to germinate and form normal seedlings. Different conditions during desiccation affect the biochemical changes that occur during this phase.

Unbiased estimation of the proportion of non-embryogenic cell clusters in the somatic embryogenic culture of Douglas-fir

Submitted by Kateřina Eliášová on Mon, 02/12/2018 - 23:26

Embryogenic cultures of Douglas-fir were induced from immature zygotic embryos. They proliferate as embryonal masses, however, in some lines of Douglas-fir, non-embryogenic cell (NECs) clusters interspersed with early somatic embryos (SEs) were observed. In order to evaluate the differences between lines we wanted to quantify the proportion of the SEs and NECs in the embryonal mass. For estimation of this proportion (volume density) we used stereological point-counting method based on counting points of the test grid falling in the tissue under study.