Typy publikací: Časopis

Comparison of the main bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities in garlic and white and red onions after treatment protocols

Napsal uživatel Milena Cvikrová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 13:00

Gorinstein S, Leontowicz H, Leontowicz M, Namiesnik J, Najman K, Drzewiecki J, Cvikrová M, Martincová O, Trakhtenberg S:

Comparison of the main bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities in garlic and white and red onions after treatment protocols.


Expression of the gene encoding transcription factor PaVP1 differs in Picea abies embryogenic lines depending on their ability to develop somatic embryos

Napsal uživatel Lucie Fischerová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 12:52

Fischerová L, Fischer L, Vondráková Z, Vágner M:

Expression of the gene encoding transcription factor PaVP1 differs in Picea abies embryogenic lines depending on their ability to develop somatic embryos.

PLANT CELL REPORTS 27(3): 435-441, 2008.

Excretion of polyamines in alfalfa and tobacco suspension-cultured cells and its possible role in maintenance of intracellular polyamine contents

Napsal uživatel Milena Cvikrová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 11:49

Cvikrová M, Gemperlová L, Eder J, Zažímalová E:

Excretion of polyamines in alfalfa and tobacco suspension-cultured cells and its possible role in maintenance of intracellular polyamine contents.

PLANT CELL REPORTS 27: 1147-1156, 2008.

Polyamine metabolism during the cell cycle of synchronized tobacco BY-2 cell line

Napsal uživatel Lenka Gemperlová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 11:38

Gemperlová L, Cvikrová M, Fischerová L, Binarová P, Fischer L, Eder J:

Polyamine metabolism during the cell cycle of synchronized tobacco BY-2 cell line.


Polyamine profiles and biosynthesis in somatic embryo development and comparison of germinating somatic and zygotic embryos of Norway spruce

Napsal uživatel Lenka Gemperlová dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 11:36

Gemperlová L, Fischerová L, Cvikrová M, Malá J, Vondráková Z, Martincová O, Vágner M: Polyamine profiles and biosynthesis in somatic embryo development and comparison of germinating somatic and zygotic embryos of Norway spruce.

TREE PHYSIOLOGY 29(10): 1287-1298, 2009.

Cryotolerance in Norway spruce and its association with growth rates, anatomical features and polyamines of embryogenic cultures

Napsal uživatel Zuzana Vondráková dne Út, 13.02.2018 - 11:32

Vondráková Z, Cvikrová M, Eliášová K, Martincová O, Vágner M:

Cryotolerance in Norway spruce and its association with growth rates, anatomical features and polyamines of embryogenic cultures.

TREE PHYSIOLOGY 30: 1335-1348, 2010.